Typed by: Lena Stone Criswell


The Daily Democrat
Thirty-first year - Number 62
Marlin, Texas - Tuesday, July 14, 1931

(The Groesbeeck Journal)


For the first time in 20 years, the 12 children of Mrs. Ella Jackson,
Houston, mother of County Attorney Henry Jackson and Mrs. Malcolm Smith of
Groesbeeck, were gathered in a family reunion at the city park here on July
4. Mrs. Jackson, who reared her family in Limestone county near Kosse, is
ranked as one of the pioneers of the county, having moved a few years ago to
There has been a revival meeting in progress at the Presbyterian
tabernacle. It started Monday night with Evangelist A.W.DeGuire of Austin
doing the preaching.
James B. Goodwin, father of Mrs. W.D.Tucker of Groesbeeck, died
Tuesday afternoon at five o'clock in Dr. Barnett's hospital at Thornton. A
heart attack was the cause of his death. Mr. Goodwin had been in bad health
for several months and early this spring had moved with hia family to West
Texas, Roaring Springs being his postoffice. He gained in weight and his
health improved rapidly. He was back in Limestone county on business and
pleasure, and was planning to return to his new this week. He was
buried Wednesday afternoon at Wedgman cemetery near Seale.
An egg said to be twice the size of an ordinary egg and having a
"natural map of the universe" on it was laid by a hen belonging to Mrs. W.C.
Herman of Martin, Tenn.
Copyright permission granted to Theresa Carhart and her
Volunteers for printing by The Democrat, Marlin, Falls Co., Texas